The Agriculture for Impact team attended The Economist Feeding the World conference in February 2014. Gordon Conway  spoke to a high-level audience as part of the “Technology for Food Security” panel, setting out a concept for sustainable intensification of agriculture that grows more food with fewer resources, along with Montpellier Panel  member Lindiwe Majele Sibanda. Other Montpellier Panel members  also attended the event, joining the debate on issues such as delivering improved nutrition and sustainable agricultural markets with industry leaders, government, donors, aid agencies and the research community. Other key speakers included: Justine Greening MP, Secretary of State for International Development, United Kingdom Government, Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director, World Food Programme, Hugh Grant, Chief Executive Office, Monsanto, Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission, Amadou Allahoury, High Commissioner (Minister), Niger President’s Office for the National Strategy for Food Security and Agriculture.

See also Gordon Conway’s and Katy Wilson’s guest blog on “Human innovation to feed the world”.