AGRF logoAgriculture for Impact will be hosting a side event to discuss our report at the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) at 12.30pm on the 3rd of September. Come and find us if you are at the conference and join in the conversation!

The AGRFseeks to deliver the objective of the AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security namely broad-based and inclusive consultations, and dialogue among Parliamentarians, women groups, youth groups, farmers organisations, CSOs, private sector on agriculture and food and nutrition security.

It occurs in a context where 200 million Africans are chronically malnourished; 5 million die of hunger annually; 126 million children are underweight; and half of all children are stunted. It also occurs in a context of new political will, a doubling of public and private investment in agriculture, increased GDP per capita growth rates, growing demand for Africa’s resources and markets and the emergence of new and innovative multi-stakeholder partnerships to transform agriculture and adapt to the challenge of rapid climate change.

This AGRF presents the first major opportunity for 1000 leaders from farmers associations, agribusiness companies, research institutes and non-governmental organisations and African Governments to engage each other on the new vision for Agriculture and Food Security agreed by African Heads of States in July 2014.


Click here to visit the AGRF website for further information